IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications
2-5 May 2022 // Virtual Conference

Instructions for Authors and Speakers

# INFOCOM 2022 — Instructions for Authors and Speakers

- Registering: Register for the conference ( and obtain a confirmation number.

- Signing up on online conference website: If you have not yet done so, visit the online conference website ( and sign up for a new account with your confirmation number in your IEEE receipt. If you have already signed up without a confirmation number or if you already have an account from INFOCOM 2021, go to your profile and add a valid confirmation number.

- If you have just registered and your confirmation number is not yet found in the system, send an email message to The website will be updated and new registrations will be added on a daily basis.

- Activate your account: Follow the link in the email message you receive after signing up to activate your account. You can also visit your profile and click the “Activate this account” button and an email message will be sent to you with an activation link.

- As an author or speaker, you have the obligation to attend the session where your talk will appear in, and answer questions from attendees of the conference. To enter the Zoom meeting for a particular session, go to the day and the session, and click the "Enter Zoom" button.

- There will be approximately 3-5 minutes at the end of each talk for the Q & A period. When answering questions from the audience, please unmute your microphone and speak directly. There will be a 3-minute count-down during the Q & A, and the count-down will be paused by the host of the meeting if you need more time to answer all the questions.


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